About me

I bought my first dolls house in 2000 and my love of all things miniature started. I made a few bits and pieces for the house from books, knitting, cushions and food. I even made paintbrushes and pencil crayons from cocktail sticks which still are in the craft room in the dolls house. The house is a reflection of my real house and my hobbies although not an exact replica it has all the elements I enjoy in life.

For instance I like cooking, baking and eating in real life, my mini food is an extension of that and I try to make things as realistic as possible. Everything is handmade and I spend a lot of time (both thinking and making) to ensure the detail replicates the real thing. As any crafter knows the amount of 'stuff' accumulates and soon takes over a table, a corner of the room and then a whole room which is where I do my work now in an attempt to keep everything in one place!

I started selling my miniature food on the internet in 2005 but took a break in 2009. It was a longer break than I really anticipated and started selling again in 2014 with renewed enthusiasm  and have enjoyed creating, selling and 'meeting' people who share my obsession  ever since.

I'm still learning new skills and always thinking of food.

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