Monday, 26 January 2015

Party ring biscuits

Party ring biscuits were a favourite of childhood birthday parties, along with jelly, ice cream, cake and sandwiches. I'm slowly putting together a traditional birthday tea and these are the first things I've made in miniature for it. Each finished biscuit is around 5mm wide, and although the colours aren't authentic party ring colours they are bright which is what I remember of them. 

Tuesday, 13 January 2015

Carrot cake.

I've mentioned my minor obsession with Pinterest . I like the hidden surprise cakes or peek-a-boo cakes and have been pinning quite a few.

And this is my mini version. It's a first attempt and I couldn't get the leaves to do what I wanted them to do which is why there aren't any on top.

Sunday, 4 January 2015

New year resolutions

Happy New Year! I don't tend to make new year resolutions but instead exist on a never ending to do list. I'm good at the planning stage - blank piece of paper and a cup of tea and I can quite happily make a long list of things I want to achieve and make. I like crossing things off as I do them and that sense of achievement when everything is complete.
How long it takes is cat dependant. If Nutmeg is in a ' I really must do something but I'll have a little nap first' mode I can get quite a lot done. And as he tends to sleep twenty hours a day I'm ok most of the time.
It's not a bad life as a cat is it ..