Tuesday 22 March 2016

The end of the blog

I have decided that I am not going to update this blog anymore. I've tried to keep it updated in the past and failed as it's almost the forgotten part of social media that I use for my miniatures and business. I may decide to continue blogging in the future so I'm not deleting it, but I forsee a long vacation. 

I'm still using other social media and the links are below. 

Facebook :The facebook page is the sort-of-blog where most of my day to day things will be.   http://facebook.com/magentaminis

Instagram : Instagram as always has pictures not only of the miniatures but of my other crafts and life. 

Another reason I haven't got much time to spend on the blog is that I started making and selling other craft items. Made from polymer clay my recent makes include pendants, charms and food jewellery. If you are interested in taking a look these links are below. 

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